Match returns the #N/A error if there is no match is found.A MATCH Function is not case-sensitive.The MATCH function returns the result of wildcards as “pq”. In the below-given example, the formula in E3 is: MATCH function can perform a match using wildcards when the match type is set to zero. The MATCH in Excel returns an approximate match as 7. MATCH will perform an approximate match on values sorted A-Z when the match type is set to 1, finding the largest value less than or equal to the lookup value. The MATCH Function returns the Exact match as 4.
You can download this MATCH Function Excel Template here – MATCH Function Excel Template Usually, when the MATCH function is combined together with INDEX, it can retrieve the value of the latched position. Match has different types of matching modes, which makes it more versatile than the lookup functions. Use the MATCH function to get the respective location of an item in an array. The lookup array needs to be sorted in descending order, from largest to smallest or from Z to A.

1 – finds the smallest value in the array that is equal to or greater than the lookup value. Requires sorting of the lookup array in ascending order, from smallest to largest or from A to Z.Ġ – finds the first value in the array that is absolutely equal to the lookup value.

The match_type argument, when setting to 0, returns the exact match, while the other two types of values allow for an approximate match.ġ or omitted (default) – searches for the largest value in the lookup array, which is less than or equal to the lookup value. It can be any one of these values: 1, 0, -1.
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